What You Should Know about Custom Forms in Wild Apricot

Anatomy of a website

Custom Forms in Wild Apricot

One thing that you may not consider when thinking about membership management is custom forms. Wild Apricot has a myriad of useful tools to offer its users, but one that is often forgotten is the ability to insert custom forms. With that in mind, here’s what you should know about custom forms in Wild Apricot.

The Importance of Custom Forms

It’s crucial to understand why custom forms are so helpful for websites that are focused on membership and events. Here are a few of the benefits of custom forms.

Custom Forms Allow a Tailored User Experience

No two organizations are exactly alike, and neither are its members. By integrating custom forms, you can serve the specific needs and preferences of your target customers, ensuring a smoother and more engaging user experience.

Custom Forms Aid in Data Collection

Custom forms let you gather the precise data you need from your members or visitors. Whether it’s feedback, event registrations, or simply collecting email addresses for a newsletter, custom forms give you flexibility in capturing the exact data points you need.

Custom Forms Give You Enhanced Engagement

Engaging forms can be a pipeline to increase member interaction on your website. By providing a customized user experience (UX), your members are more likely to spend more time on your site and engage with other offerings.

Utilizing Wild Apricot’s Custom Form Capabilities

Wild Apricot’s platform is intuitive, and even those with little technical knowledge can tap into its power to create custom forms that resonate with their audience.


Wild Apricot’s form builder is not a one-size-fits-all tool. You have the freedom to design forms that range from simple contact sheets to intricate event registration forms. The choice of fields, design layout, and data capture is entirely in your hands.

Integration with Other Features

One of the standout features of Wild Apricot is the seamless integration between its tools. When you create a custom form, it can easily be embedded into emails, event pages, or membership applications, ensuring a positive user experience.

Secure Data Management

In the digital age in which we find ourselves, data security is paramount. Wild Apricot has addressed these concerns and ensures that the data collected through custom forms is stored securely. In addition, the platform’s strong data management tools allow you to analyze, filter, and manage the data with ease.

Stylistic Continuity

Aesthetics matter. When you use Wild Apricot, you’re not just inserting a bland form. Its form builder lets you align the design with your organization’s unique branding, ensuring stylistic consistency across all web pages.

Various Custom Forms

Here are just a few types of custom forms available through Wild Apricot-

Feedback Forms

If you’ve recently held an event or rolled out a new feature on your website, a custom feedback form can be very handy. Tailor the questions to capture member insights that can drive improvements.

Member Profiles

Instead of the generic name, email, and contact number, why not design a form that captures more about your members? Interests, skills, or testimonials can all be added, providing a more functional member directory.

Event Customizations

If your organization or company is hosting an event, perhaps you want to offer attendees a choice in workshops, meal preferences, or breakout sessions. A custom form can capture all those variables, ensuring attendees have a personalized experience.

To Sum Up

Wild Apricot’s capability to integrate custom forms allows you to elevate your website’s user experience. It’s not merely about collecting data; it’s about encouraging engagement, gathering insights, and ensuring every website visitor feels valued. If you haven’t already tried this feature, now is a perfect time to start. Your members and potential members will appreciate it.

Let Us Help You With All Wild Apricot’s Tools

If you reside in the greater Savhanna area or, the wider area and want to set up Wild Apricot to help manage your membership, call us at 912-441-7011 or fill out our simple contact form. One of our Wild Apricot experts will schedule a time to discuss your needs.

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