Welcoming New Members To Your Wild Apricot Website

You have a new Wild Apricot website. It has gone live and you are starting to get new member registrations. What next? Have you given thought to putting together a welcome process? Below are a few pointers on same:

Welcoming New Members in 10 Easy Steps

1 – Implement a Welcome New Member committee.

2- Call every new member and welcome them to the organization.

3- Host an online chat or welcome meeting to welcome new members.

4- If you use social media, then what better way to feature and welcome new members? Don’t forget newsletter mentions too.

5- Send a hand written note perhaps signed by the organization leadership team.

6- Start a welcome new members forum and introduce them to the rest of the organization membership.

7- Within the first 30/60/90 days they should receive at least 2 to 3 calls from your organization.

8- If their business offers perks or discounts to other members, feature them as member exclusive deals.

9- New member updates can be a good feature making them feel important and welcomed.

10 – Send a unique welcome new member video to each new member.

Welcoming New Members With Literature

You can never provide too much information on your membership benefits. Repurpose the general member benefits information and use it to present your members with a reenforcement of why they joined your organization in the first place. This can also serve as a way for them to share your membership offering to their close network of friends and family members. Nothing fancy is needed. Adding some graphics and repurposing the content will go a long way.

Delivery can be via email, member direct message and physical mailer. In either format, the member can reinforce  his purchase choice, and go on to share the details with others. A simple reminder goes a long way.

Need Help With Your Wild Apricot Website and User Experience?

Nicasio Design has been helping Wild Apricot clients for 17 years now. Read our reviews  and Contact Us for some one on one time.

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