How Do Broken Links Affect your Website?

Having broken links on your site could affect your incoming traffic and slow down your website’s loading time. Just in case you do not take my word for it I will be posting a few different sources for you could see for yourself that this could be a serious issue.

1. Noble intent studio- Why Broken Links Are Bad For Your Website and How To Fix Them

“User experience is a growing indicator to Google about your website. The better the user experience, the more Google will favor your website. Broken links cause a poor user experience”. Source: Noble Intent Studio

User Experience refers to the feeling users experience when using a product, application, system, or service. If it is bad, you cannot expect to engage them and have them interact with your website to the extent to which they convert to your desired result. Source: Product Plan


2. Monsido- How to Fix Broken Links On Your Website

“By now, you should know that broken links are terrible for quality assurance. Broken links can destroy your conversion rates. They indirectly harm SEO by affecting bounce rate, time on site, and how you pass link juice”. Source: Monsido

If you are tracking conversions on your website, according to Monsido – broken links adversely impact that goal.

3. 123 Reg Blog- Why broken links can hurt your website and what to do about them

“88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. So, that broken link not only drove prospects away, but it also damaged your reputation in the process”. Source:

If you are like most of us you take a lot of pride in your reputation, so can you imagine customers giving your website bad reviews because it is acting slow, or links do not work. Like Alexandra said in this article this is a serious problem that could affect the traffic to your site.


4. eLearning Industry- How Can Broken Links Affect The SEO Performance Of Your eLearning Business

“There are two types of dead links: internal and external. The definitions of these types are similar to backlinks. Internal links lead traffic to another page on your site, while external lead to another website”. Source: E Learning Industry 

Therefore, you must hire professionals like Nicasio Design & Development  to design and maintain your site. Let them worry about keeping your site running smoothly.


5. SeoPressor- How To Find and Fix Broken Links To Improve Your SEO

“Broken links are links that send a message to its visitors that the webpage no longer exists, triggering a 404 error page”. Source: SEO Pressor

It is so hurtful to your SEO when users find 404-error pages after clicking on your website links. Finding the errors before users experience them is key.


6. Victorious- How to Find Broken Links on Your Website & Fix Them

“Knowing how to find broken links is an essential part of providing a great user experience and making sure that search engines can index your site”. Source: Victorious 

One of the reasons for having companies like Nicasio Design & Development, design and maintain your website is to give you peace of mind. When everything is running smoothly and you do not have to burn resources doing non-essential work. Looking for and fixing broken links could be very time-consuming.

Now after reading through these sources that explain how important it is not to have any broken links on your website, take a stab at fixing the errors yourself. Or, confidently call Nicasio Design & Development and see how we can make sure your website 404 error page free, and give your users a great experience.

You could use sites like broken link checker to check your sites for broken links.

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