Advancements in technology are what keep web developers on their toes and nobody is doing that better than Google. Google Glass first made its way onto the scene for developers in February 2013 and as with most new technology it had some bugs. Internet users could browse the web, but visiting a website was more difficult, especially if the site wasn’t built to be viewed using mobile devices. After reviewing the feedback and tinkering with the product, an updated version has been developed and will be released on December 30th much to the joy of tech lovers everywhere. You may be thinking this is just a fad, but software developers are already looking into future applications for practical use in the medical and emergency response industries. WordPress designs that are created for mobile devices have an advantage over those that aren’t.
Even though the number of people purchasing Google Glass at a whopping $1500 is small, businesses should be making necessary changes to their WordPress websites now to accommodate the projected growth of the product within the wearable technology market. Depending on the source sales in that market are expected to reach as much as 50 billion dollars by 2018 from 1.4 billion dollars this year. If you have a responsive WordPress website, you are already on the right track. Google Glass users can view you website as they would on their mobile phone or tablet. They can scroll, zoom, and click on imbedded links. The one drawback to visiting websites is the inability to fill out forms. Right now, users can’t interact with a website in that capacity. This is something Google will need to work on in order to give it greater value and to encourage consumers to switch from other mobile devices to Google Glass.
Custom WordPress design and development tools will make the transition easier and the incentive to do so is rapidly growing. As Google Glass moves closer to mainstream release, WordPress developers will be looking to create “Glassware” that will increase the functionality of existing WordPress websites. Currently there is only one WordPress plugin available for Google Glass and it has some limitations that prevent it from being a practical tool for most businesses, but it’s laying the groundwork for better technology in the near future.
We’ve looked at the implications Google Glass has on transforming the future of web browsing, but what is it capable of right now? Voice command allows you to take pictures, record live streaming videos, share files, send text messages, make calls, translate your voice to another language, surf the internet, and explore websites. The main purpose of technology is to simplify tasks and software developers aim to make all of these options more convenient for the user. Google Glass is just the tip of the iceberg. Tech gurus are stretching beyond what mobile devices provide and those who stay one step ahead of the norm will reap the benefits. WordPress design itself is quickly ascending to the top of the heap in website development. As more businesses turn to custom WordPress design and development firms for the latest techniques to enhance their website, the bigger the push to develop options that accommodate new technology.
Whether or not Google Glass will follow its projected path to being one of the hottest new devices on the market, moving from traditional to mobile compatibility is a smart move for any company doing business online. WordPress sites that are accessible through cell phones, tablets, and Google Glass is the first step in preparing for future advancements in this type of technology. No doubt, there will be many more WordPress plugins and their ability to function properly with your WordPress design will largely depend on how responsive it is. Without further investigation, we can’t endorse the benefits of Google Glass, but we can say that we will be watching its progression with great interest and we will be ready to adapt your WordPress design for optimal use the moment it becomes the preferred mobile device for internet users. Will you be ready?
Contact Nicasio Web Design & Development to find out how we can prepare your WordPress website for the latest advancements in technology!