Google Rich Cards

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First there was search. Then came mobile search. Following Mobile search was Rich Snippets. And now Google introduces Rich Cards. Don’t get too happy – the categories are limited to Recipes and Movies for now.

Read the full Introducing Rich Cards post here.  Google tells us that it will soon add more categories. To see the newly proposed categories click here.

Note all this is driven by a “new Search result format” says Google. That format can be had via ‘ structured markup’ library. We are listing the doc link here as well.

So, what does this all mean to you and me? Well, for one thing Google has already said they are tightening up mobile search. Can this be a layer by which mobile search will prosper? Google only knows. What we do know is that when the key in search speaks… we need to listen.

Stay tuned for more as this develops and if you need us? You know how to reach us [look at the top right corner of the site :0) ]

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