WordPress Blogging

I am no blogging expert. In fact, I consider myself a pseudo blogger in that I am still trying to figure it out as I go along. One thing I am certain of, however, is that as a company we need to blog in order to reach an audience that is willing to 1) read our stuff, and 2) help us identify them as our audience. So, you may ask yourself ‘what does Felix like to blog about?’ Well, let me try to answer that for you. As you may have been able to tell thus far, Nicasio Design likes loves WordPress! So, I write about what we consider ourselves ‘experts’ in.

If you do not know it – let me tell you that WordPress is, no doubt, one of the most powerful content management systems [CMS] available today, and yes it is free [open source.] If you don’t have a blog setup yet, make sure that you give WordPress a try as there is more to this CMS than just blogging as Chris stated before.

WordPress users have developed a number of different Plug-ins [a piece of third party software that extends the functionality of WordPress] that will allow you to enhance your blog pretty much in anyway you can imagine. There are Plug-ins that will allow you to add a calendar or events, e-commerce, polls, and many more features. Oh yeah – there are even Plug-ins that can be used to enhance the administration area. New Plug-ins are being developed daily. We can’t even keep up with them. So, there is always something new that you can use to enhance your blog.

Blogging can plays a huge role in developing content for your Website; it’s important to your site visitors to be able to learn about you and your services – not to mention it can be great for search engine rankings too. So if you haven’t started one yet, and you feel that now is the time, ! then let Nicasio Design help you meet all the specifics you are looking for on a blog. We know WordPress, and can work out the design and development of your blog for you as we have for many other Nicasio Design customers. We can help you customize and tailor your blog to your needs. It’s what we do! Give us a holler…

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