Wild Apricot Tips & Tricks, Part 1: Try 30 Days Free!

30 Day Trial Wild Apricot Tips & Tricks Free Trial is Highly Suggested

In this series of Tips & Tricks for using the Wild Apricot Membership & Event Management platform we start off with the simple premise of test driving the platform; taking advantage of the free 30 day trial.

In case you did not know there was a free 30 day trial, click HERE and start your trial today. For the rest of us, here are some [valid] reasons why you would want to take full advantage of the 30 day free trial:

1- If for no other reason, it is 100% absolutely no strings attached free. All that is required is a valid email address and checking the I Agree box. That’s it. Sign up for free


2- Getting yourself familiarized with the platform’s backend is next to godliness. What I mean is that the first time you see the admin/dashboard should never be the day your site is ready to go live or in beta. How will the learning curve effect your day to day? How can you train and find resources on use and customization of member levels, events, forum readability, etc? Getting to know the platform is not solely via reading. As with all technology, hands on rules.

3- Become the expert and don’t fully rely on someone else to tell or teach you the ins and outs. Take full advantage of some pretty snazzy help and kb features within the admin panel. Answers are always a mouse click, or two away. One of the biggest challenges when learning a new UI, according to Cisco, is the user’s inability to take full advantage of the built in features. If you think about it, countless hours go into planning and designing of a good UI and it’s all done with the idea of allowing the user to easily and quickly get around and execute. Help Features

4- Push yourself, the platform, and discover new potential.  Did you know Wild Apricot has a Product Road Map? Well, they do. In this venue you can suggest what you would like to platform to do or do better. I know, how do I do that just getting to know it? If you think about it, this may be the best time to do just that. Fresh eyes you know. By nature we are all problem solvers. Well, some more than others I guess. But, we want to solve the problems that present themselves as walls or obstacles to our goals. If you are not taking advantage of the 30 day free trial, then you are not seeing the big picture perhaps; a stronger, better, faster you.

5- Finally, the only ‘other’ reason I can think of for taking advantage of the 30 day free trial is that you are being diligent and prudent with your time and resources. Before we purchase a car, a fridge, a new beer or wine, well maybe not beer or wine here, but you get the picture – we test drive the car… stick our heads in that fridge and picture our stuff chilling in it. So, why not take the same approach with your next Membership & Event Management platform if it is free to test drive and chill in?

Nicasio Design & Development specializes in custom Wild Apricot, WordPress, and Magento solutions and the occasional new beer or wine. Contact us and let us know how we can help, what you think, or to talk about the weather.

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