If you still think that good web design is not important, l00k again…
Below is a list of website sections that draw the most interest from visitors. If these are not strong and engaging components of your website, now you know what you need to do:
- The institution’s logo. Users spent about 6.48 seconds focused on this area before moving on.
- The main navigation menu. Almost as popular as the logo, subjects spent an average of 6.44 seconds viewing the menu.
- The search box, where users focused for just over 6 seconds.
- Social networking links to sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Users spent about 5.95 seconds viewing these areas.
- The site’s main image, where users’ eyes fixated for an average of 5.94 seconds.
- The site’s written content, where users spent about 5.59 seconds.
- The bottom of a website, where users spent about 5.25 seconds.
At Nicasio Design and Development we specialize in custom website design and development. Specifically, WordPress Design and Development, Wild Apricot, and E-Commerce solutions. Give us a call and we can help your website thrive like we have done for all our clients over the years.
Felix Figuereo
p: (912) 441-7011
e: felix [at] nicasiodesign.com